How Should I Segment My Email List

How Should I Segment My Email List

A common question that we are often asked is “How and why should I segment my email list?” You want to segment your list because you’re offering value by only sending relevant content.  Email campaigns that send to recipients on segmented lists on...
This is Why You Need a Facebook Business Page

This is Why You Need a Facebook Business Page

3 Reasons Why You Need a Facebook Business Page Having a Facebook page allows your business or organization to publish directly to your fan’s Facebook homepage which is called publishing to the stream. Having a Facebook page allows you to easily share links and...
Why Can’t My Website be found?

Why Can’t My Website be found?

Use SEO to Out-Rank the Competition Perhaps you launched a website for your business a few years back but aren’t seeing the same results from it as you used to, or maybe you’re not getting any results at all.  Well, while you’ve been busy running the...